Tuesday, January 22, 2008

nothing doing

i wish i had a real post for you, but i didn't do shit today besides study and listen to retarded fan recordings from i love techno 2007. i don't suppose any of you know any once and former economics majors? macro kind of makes me want to kill myself, because i want SO VERY BADLY to do well in it. like sacrifice babies and assorted acquaintances and former co-workers badly. if you're reading this, you'll be spared. PROBABLY. depending on whether smith and keynes and malthus and the rest of the pantheon tell me you'd make delectable whiffy smoke on the altar.

the hormones are getting out of control again. i think that's where the serial monogamy came from - a subconscious attempt to temper the highs and lows. knowing this doesn't help. rational choo cannot explain anything to irrational choo, making this past weekend kind of sucky and stressful. also, economist choo isn't sure whether sex is a good or a service, or both--sexual capital?--and thus is having a hard time making a rational model with which she can figure out the opportunity cost. you'd expect the explicit cost to be more obvious than the implicit, but it isn't. maybe it is capital, and then it can be both a resource and a good. but wait! if that's true, then i have to have more sex to ... have more sex next year, or even this fiscal quarter! my sexual economy needs to invest more sexual resources to make sexual capital goods, to cause a greater rise in sexual living standards for next year! i can push the sexual production possibilities curve outward and grow my sexual economy by increasing the quantity of sexual resources, or initiating sexual technological change, enabling me to become more efficient in using the sexual resources i already have available! this productive inefficiency or recession, whatever it is, of my sexual economy cannot be allowed to continue! where is my sexual economic stimulus package?!! jesus christ. i need to get laid. otherwise you're in for a whole 'nother world of pain once i "get" the supply and demand chapter.

ahem. let's see. i'm ready to start the fifth season of the wire, finally. i also watched big train, paths of glory, and the premiere of breaking bad. i suppose i've plunged back into tv and movies at the wrong time again, time-management-wise. figures.

don't forget to come make fun of me saturday at the grand. what else are you going to do? see the ends? sharon jones? twitter about how you don't care it's my birthday? photoshop a new LOLvogue? watch tentacle porn on the internet? live on a coast of the united states? pshaw. i'm going to try to drink til i barf all over myself multiple times. all right, all right. i'll stop wallowing in self-pity already. you people make it really hard to take myself seriously, you know that?


dm said...

would the first week you're single be the IPO?

mybloodyself said...

initial pubic offering?

Spacebeer said...

I wish I knew more about economics so I could make a joke about this, but I can hardly balance my checkbook. Balance my sexbook? See, I have nothing.

dm said...

yes, Initial Public Offering.

chewtastic said...

i liked dan's explanation better. and if librarians and libraries aren't sexy, then NOTHING IS.