Wednesday, February 20, 2008


b+ on the econ. will take more of old tests online next time. i got shit right that no one else did, but missed stupid shit.

work sucks. well, it's good too. i like my partner. we adapted hip-hop hits to their voting versions today. some people, though...

also, i don't feel as retarded about my inability to identify cleavage vs. fracture in minerals (the main stumbling block so far.) a crack (hah!) mineralogist-ish i know said she was stumped in this class too. it's one of those stupid familiarity things. why can't i understand instantly? i can for a lot.


p.s. i apologize for the roone-ity of this post. or, if you prefer, we can call it the blurred joseph conrad-self-hating-dismissive terseness-i-tude. not that he posts anyway. maybe he'll get laid and start posting again.


jlowe said...

so what's the difference? Does it have to do with following fault lines?
btw, if you get to karst in your geology class, let me know.

chewtastic said...

cleavage is where the mineral (the bits that make up rocks but in pure form) breaks apart at planes of weakness because of the type of bonding between the cations and anions, and then the molecular structures those shit make with other elements. *cringes, hates chemistry*
you can have lots of different grades, perfect, good, etc., and angles like 2 planes at 90 degrees or two planes at approximately 60 and 120, or one plane like muscovite, or three like halite (NaCl, table salt). an obvious example is quartz, or maybe muscovite. one of the key things you can use to tell cleavage from fracture is by turning the hand specimen in the light. whatever surface reflects/is shiny is supposed to be a plane, i'm told. fracture is when it doesn't glint at you. those can be irregular, conchoidal (like the curves on broken glass), or... uh... durrrrr...
i'm all stupid with tired and igneous rock and thinking felching whenever he said felsic rock and cringing when he'd say country rock and voting. and he told us vote either obama or ron paul, and hillary is a witch or something. and he had a boring conversation about handguns with the two super rednecks before class. he did say i asked a good question about pink granite, though. 'tis an example of partial melt. okay, this will be an oral or email convo lates.

chewtastic said...

uh, to clarify, this is about mineral identification, not geologic foliation or anything tectonicy yet. solly. hardcore basics so far.