Wednesday, October 17, 2007

so the snake was about four feet long, jumping (with what legs? -ed.) from branch to branch in the creek trees. i first noticed it when it was about twenty feet in the air, and then only because the birds were all flipping out and screaming, and fluttering from branch to branch keeping an eye on it. it's rare that a mated cardinal pair, a woodpecker (who almost got got, when he wasn't paying attention), a female grackle, and a blue jay (and other assorted birds) all work together like that, right? i'd forgotten what a racket birds make when they see a snake. i saw one by the OAG garage once on my way to work during session. it was huge and slithered underneath a car in the metered spots, and there were more than twenty sparrows screaming and divebombing it and standing around on the sidewalk rubbernecking. a female grackle even hopped under the car to investigate and see where it went. i peeked too (not too close), but i guessed it went up into the transmission. oh well.

i borrowed joo's bike today. the seat's too low and it makes my knees groan in protest to ride it. i did talk to someone at work who has the san jose, and he said it's good for rides less than thirty miles, and if you're going faster than twenty mph the older frames shudder. so, yay and shit.

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