Monday, September 10, 2007

day whatever, week two

today was fairly eh. i learned that not only did an unnamed company fucked me tax-wise, but unemployment benefit-wise as well. stupid piece of shit. myers and i went to the record store and then puttered around all the girly stores on first and congress. we ended up getting birthday presents for a birthday girl, and laughing at all the sequined tube tops, ruffled hot pants, and gold lamé pantsuits the eye could see.

i want lemon bars. maybe i'll go get lemons tomorrow. pie crusts are new to me though. i don't like fucking things up, or being bad at doing them. i want twice-baked potatoes too, but then i have to think of something meaty to eat with them. ooh! maybe if it doesn't rain, i can convince jennifer to ride bikes with me! if that doesn't work out, i might dress in all black and ride to spiderhouse and write angsty things in a journal while chainsmoking, drinking coffee, and glaring at pretty people. yes.

also, i'm outing the drummer of the sword for liking justice. (not justice by the sword, but justice a couple of cheesy french djs i like.)

p.s. joolie is perfect, awesome, perfectly awesome, and awesomely perfect. there. i've blogged for today.

p.p.s. i really like the word "crossly." i like to think that i do and say a lot of things crossly. (yes, obviously i've just re-read children's books, and also, i know you're all emphatically agreeing. thanks.)

p.p.p.s. stop reading if you don't want TMI:
i learned today that i am not the only pre-teen who ever harbored sexual fantasies about sandy and dennys. ha. aren't you grossed out now?

p.x4.s. misshapes is finally over. i still don't regret not going to beauty bar that day. although... if it had been at beauty bar - lumberton or beauty bar - des moines, i totally would have gone. in the future, the jennifer needs to go to last night's party or cobrasnake things and tell me how delightfully excruciating they are. there's nothing like a douchebag attack to get you to reach for your coke inhaler. i bet i would feel just as out of place as at cotillion or something. i'm always being oppressed, darn it.

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