Monday, September 17, 2007

employment! day one, cha cha cha

too bad for you, i forgot and left all my paragraph breaking tools at the council. HA!

i thought i was going in for paperwork today, but it turns out i actually worked. i forgot that a) this job is a pain in the ass because temps don't get keycards, so you have to walk around in big circles through one-way doors all the time trying to get to the bathroom or the copier and back; b) the warehouse is dusty; c) each voting booth contraption weighs thirty pounds, and manhandling a metro shelving cart loaded with ten of those on there is also a pain; d) if you're in the warehouse part, you have to look busy because you're on camera and your management's superiors come in randomly and will bitch them out if you're not futzing with something; e) you don't exactly leave at a set time; f) you have to pick an a.m. or a p.m. shift later on, and i don't do six a.m. anything, unless it's sleeping; and g) there's a lot of trying to look busy. the work has evolved to--let's not exactly say it's been dumbed down over the years, but maybe it's for forks, not knives or spoons. i was told today that apparently i'm in the running already for "rookie of the year," whatever that means. this ain't proofreading, that's for sure. i like the hour lunch; it gave me enough time to leisurely hunt for a crossword and finish a large coffee. i wonder when we get paid. there are people whose faces i remember vaguely from last time, and then there's this one guy from the golden boys that i guess i forgot worked there too. i dunno.

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